Monday 12 November 2012

Ivan Fomich Khrutsky's Paintings from Belarus

 "Fruit and candle", end of 1830 - beginning of 1840-ies (National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus).

 "Dead Game, Vegetables and Mushrooms", 1854 (National Art Museum of the Republic of Belarus).

Ivan Fomich Khrutsky (Іван Хруцкі in Belarusian) was a painter born in the (formerly Russian) village of Ulla in1810. He attended the St. Petersburg's Imperial Academy of Arts and he became well known for his still lifes and portraits. The two postcards show two of his masterpieces and the same matching stamp was used for both. The stamp was issued in 2010 by Belpochta to commemorate Khrutsky's 200th birth anniversary.

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